My sister, Valerie, emailed me today that her son, Ryan, will not let her stay on the blog because he wants to see the fire truck website, so this photo's for Ryan!
My family lives in Pennsylvania and Massachusetts, neither of which we could afford and we had connections in Logan, so it's where we headed when we hit a wall. It means I am once again 2,000 miles away from my family, which stinks.
I've often told people about the "cultural" differences Steve and I have experienced growing up: he was raised camping, hiking and fishing in the west, I was raised going to museums (really obscure ones in Wisconsin), taking music lessons and eventually moving near Philadelphia where I was able to go into the big city. What we now experience is an appreciation for all of the above, which is really cool.
Right now we're good in Logan, but I think of how wonderful it would be for Sophie to have her cousins nearby. Then I think of families who live in different countries or back when there wasn't, gasp, email to stay in contact and realize I'm pretty lucky. I can stay in touch with my family, even if I can't get together with my sisters, hang out with my brother and attend school performances of my nieces and nephews. I'm sad that I don't get to do those things.
That's how it goes though. Life is a give and take and if any of my family ever wants to move to Utah, I would let them stay in our red shag carpet basement until they found a house!
Dear Aunt Foo Foo,
Thanks for the fire truck picture! I am checking the rest of the blog for more truck pictures because one is just never enough! :)
Okay, I am coming to this a little late as I got caught up in the attempts to sell my home. When I open up my computer, Eli wants to see "pictures of the baby!" Ah, vanity is thine, Eli!!!
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