Abe Said it Best

"When I do good, I feel good; when I do bad, I feel bad. That’s my religion."

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine's Day at the A-S House

Our Valentine's Day went like this:

I got Sophie up and she was excited to put on her sparkly red and gold dress, a thrift store find, and shoes she never gets to wear to school because you can't run and play in them.

We got to school and Soph was so excited about all the Valentine's festivities, she didn't complain at all when she walked through a bit of snow in her "not great for walking in snow" shoes, infact, she laughed about it. Lalala, life was great.

Fast forward 6 1/2 hours and lots of sugar later and Sophie was not happy at all about having to walk in the snow in the shoes that were so wonderful that same morning. Her feet hurt! Her feet got wet! AND! It seemed to be all my fault.

Steve took us to Borders yesterday to pick out our V-Day's gifts. A new book of my very own is quite a treasure, since most of my books come from the library. I got Eckhart Tolle's "The Power of Now."

I had a meeting this afternoon and tutoring tonight, so there was very little romance on this Valentine's Day, but having Steve go to Soph's 8-year check-up today was pretty fun. He hasn't been to one of her check-ups in years. Having Sophie get her blood drawn at the hospital was not fun, but rather reminiscent of the days when we had to hold her down, screaming, to get medicine in her mouth that she would then spit across the room!

Oh, and the doctor called Steve "Scott", which he gets a lot (see previous post regarding hyphenated name).

1 comment:

Brooke said...

Happy Valentine's Day to you, Heather! The Tea was so sweet. I hope Sophie had a good time. And too bad about the doctor visit! That's nice that Scott could go, though. :)