Friday, February 29, 2008
What does a man nearing seventy do to keep himself engaged in the world around him? Esteemed educator and National Book Award winner Herb Kohl decided to try something new. While walking around San Francisco, Kohl happened upon a painting studio. He had dabbled in painting and decided a class would provide just the inspiration and instruction he needed. On a whim, he signed up. When he arrived for his first lesson he was surprised to learn that the class was in Chinese landscape painting. He was even more surprised to see that his fellow students were all Chinese and between the ages of four and seven.
I'm excited to read this book, though I have to finish "The Geography of Bliss" first.
My father and oldest sister truly exemplified for me the joy of learning, for no other reason but to acquire a new skill, different perspective or to gain knowledge. Learning for learning's sake.
When I was nine I told my sister, Teresa, I had learned how to sign the alphabet in school and she excitedly asked me to show her. I did and she practiced until she got it too. I was so pleased to be able to share with my big sister something that I knew and she didn't, but more than that, I was affected by her enthusiasm over the acquisition of a gained skill.
My father use to take us to obscure museums (Peshtigo Fire Museum) and on factory tours and I remember his genuine interest in whatever information was conveyed. He actually read the plaques next to the displays! Like Herbert Kohl, he also took a painting class when he was 40-something, because he wanted to.
Maybe this love of learning is why I enjoy working at an elementary school. Yesterday I got to read a book about rhinoceroses and both my student and I were astounded by the facts presented...rhinos weigh 8000 pounds! Children will vibrate with excitement over a newly acquired skill or from learning something that is really cool. It's as if the world has just been opened up to them and I am so thankful to be along for the ride.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Sophie the Theologian

When Sophie is not running, or perhaps she philosophizes (real word?) while running, she is pondering the great religious conundrums.
This is the conversation that took place in our car yesterday:
Sophie: Mom, ever since I was 3 I've wanted to be Jewish.
Me: Ok.
Sophie: But I also want to be Christmas people.
Yes, our beliefs may coincide more with that of Judaism than Christianity, but, our greed demands we celebrate all holidays in which gifts are bestowed upon us.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Rainy Day

Saturday, February 23, 2008

While at the grocery store today I had something happen that has happened a few times since my return to Logan. I smile at someone and they say, "You look familiar." The woman today is someone I've seen around town and I actually thought she might be somebody I went to high school with in Pennsylvania, she has a "Unionville" look. I actually spotted her in the store before she saw me and made the connection, she was a waitress at The White Owl, the bar I went to (we won't say frequented) when I lived here before. We chatted about our daughters, both 8, and how she is an aide at her daughter's elementary school...sounds familiar.
My life here before and my life here now are about 180 degrees different, thank god. I really don't spend time with anyone from my past, though there are a couple I will see and chat with. I don't think it has much to do with them, it's me. Even though I'm back in Logan and pass old haunts everyday, I don't want to become that person I was before, well, except for the good stuff.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Thanks Steve!

Steve, Steve's friend (slightly confusing), gives Steve (my husband), a ride home nearly every day and we greatly appreciate it. We are a one car family and when Sophie and I get out of school/work, it's nice to just head home or wherever we're going, and not have to arrange our schedules to pick up Steve...though that sounds kind of heartless.
I also appreciate that Steve has such a great friend. I am not a believer in married couples doing everything together...there are some things my husband is interested in that just don't hold the same interest for me, and I'm sure he would say it goes both ways. You also just need a different perspective from time to time and the person you're married to has a lot invested in what you say. It's hard not to overreact, ok, it's hard for ME not to overreact.
Plus, I like Steve (the other Steve), because he's really funny and keeps us entertained with what's going on in his life. I won't say any more than that...yet.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Lunar Eclipse
When Sophie was 2 years old, we took her to the big telescope at the University of Michigan during an astronomy club gathering and I can still remember her marching right up to it and declaring, "I see Venus!" We haven't been completely consistent in encouraging Sophie's love of space, and maybe she's not even really interested anymore, but fond memories and reading about the lack of science in education nowadays makes me want to see the eclipse tonight, as a family. All I can say is, everyone BETTER have fun!
I've started tossing around the idea again, of getting a children's museum going in Logan. Last year Lisa and I were researching it, but her move took some of the wind out of my sails, oh, and someone else in town told me he was working on bringing one that included an IMAX...way out of my league! With all the rigor of NCLB, it would be nice to have a place where kids could explore, hands-on, the wonders of the world around them. Oh, and a warm place to go during these long winter months!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Book Recommendations
I am now reading "Tested" by Linda Perlstein and it is about a school in Maryland that went from really low test scores to high test scores and the struggles faced trying to maintain the high test scores.
As the book states, a lot of what is instructed now is scripted and to deviate from the script is frowned upon. It is sad to see creativity, questioning and even independent thought pushed aside because there is too much to cover for such frivolity.
When I'm working with the kids, especially in kindergarten, I often think of a CEO trying to conduct a meeting with these students as their employees: one is swiveling around in their seat and humming out loud, another is making monkey faces about 2 inches away from their face, one gets up and starts spinning in circles and my favorite, one starts meowing because today, they are a cat. Then I wonder, why do teachers make a fraction of what these CEOs make? At least the CEOs get free coffee and pastries at their meetings, oh and slightly more comfy chairs than that which is suited for the body of a 5-year old.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Our Cardboard Addition to the Family
Sunday, February 17, 2008
If You Post It, They Will Come

Saturday, February 16, 2008
Apricot Glazed Chicken
1/2 cup apricot preserves
1/3 cup bottled Russian dressing
1/2 envelope onion soup mix
6 frozen chicken breasts (not thawed)
Mix the first 3 ingredients together. Place chicken in Crock Pot and cover with apricot mixture. Cook on low 5 to 6 hours.
Tortellini Soup
1 Lg can Tomato soup
2c. half and half
1 can chicken broth
1 can diced tomato (basil&garlic)
3 Tbsp. Ms. Dash *(tomato, basil, and garllic)
3 Tbsp. butter
3 Tbsp. real bacon bits
Cook in slow cooker on high for 3-4 hours (this is how I did it, it was recommended to cook on stove for 1 hour, add tortellini and cook another 15-20 minutes)
Friday, February 15, 2008
Sophie has a friend sleeping over tonight. This is her first friend to spend the night since we moved to Utah. When we lived in Michigan, Soph had her first sleepover. Eun slept at our house and we realized sleepovers did not mean the children actually slept! When Eun's family reciprocated we were so pleased, and then the next morning Soph came home grumbling, "Eun's mom said we can't have sleepovers anymore." Huh, wonder why!
That sleepover was also during my way over-protective parent phase (now I'm just an over-protective parent) and since Eun's family lived next door, I thought I'd just sneak over around 10:00 p.m. and peek in. I had the phone with me, I think I was chatting with my sister, and call waiting came was Eun's mom! I thought I'd been caught, but no, Soph wanted something from our house. Phew!
My friend went through the LDS Temple today, which is a really big deal in the Mormon culture. I told her I'd be putting it on my blog, but I really don't know what the ceremony entails. I was raised Methodist/Presbyterian and our big ceremonies were baptism, which happens when you're an infant, so I have no recollection, and confirmation, which I never went through. Our wedding was at Logan's Presbyterian Church and there were prayers said, but most of the ceremony was what we designed, including our vows. The ministers (there were 2) were suppose to say we would support each others' dreams, but one minister messed up and said that Steve would supply my dreams, which had me a little bit scared!
So I don't have a background of really strong rituals and I'm fascinated by them. I wonder, do people really believe in them or is it simply a way for a person to pass from one stage to another in their community? Is it a proclamation to others? To ourselves? Why are some cultures more immersed in rituals than others?
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Valentine's Day at the A-S House
I got Sophie up and she was excited to put on her sparkly red and gold dress, a thrift store find, and shoes she never gets to wear to school because you can't run and play in them.
We got to school and Soph was so excited about all the Valentine's festivities, she didn't complain at all when she walked through a bit of snow in her "not great for walking in snow" shoes, infact, she laughed about it. Lalala, life was great.
Fast forward 6 1/2 hours and lots of sugar later and Sophie was not happy at all about having to walk in the snow in the shoes that were so wonderful that same morning. Her feet hurt! Her feet got wet! AND! It seemed to be all my fault.
Steve took us to Borders yesterday to pick out our V-Day's gifts. A new book of my very own is quite a treasure, since most of my books come from the library. I got Eckhart Tolle's "The Power of Now."
I had a meeting this afternoon and tutoring tonight, so there was very little romance on this Valentine's Day, but having Steve go to Soph's 8-year check-up today was pretty fun. He hasn't been to one of her check-ups in years. Having Sophie get her blood drawn at the hospital was not fun, but rather reminiscent of the days when we had to hold her down, screaming, to get medicine in her mouth that she would then spit across the room!
Oh, and the doctor called Steve "Scott", which he gets a lot (see previous post regarding hyphenated name).
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Love Day Eve

The first photo is of our cat, Jada, who climbs into any open drawer. This is very hazardous, especially when we leave our built-in drawers open. We call Jada the Love Hound, she's always looking for any affection she can get, unless she's mad at you, then she'll lick all the spots in which you've dared to put your filthy hands on her. Funny cat.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Brag Time

Monday, February 11, 2008
Missing Ann Arbor

Quote for the Day
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Sunny Days and Sunday

Saturday, February 9, 2008

My dad checked out my least he emailed that he did...and said he expected to see a photo on here of him as club champ from the Kennett Square Golf & Country Club. I got on the site of the KSGCC and you need a password to log in! So this will have to do, a photo of my dad when he visited us in Logan in October.
I would like everyone who comes across this post to know, this is a rare photo of my dad, meaning a photo in which he is not holding a golf club. One of my favorite stories of my dad is when he brought me to Utah State University in January, 1991, presumably to check out the school I would be attending. We visited the campus once and the golf course twice, TWICE IN JANUARY IN UTAH, which means you couldn't even see the green on the course because there was so much snow!! Oh, and we didn't just drive by the course, no, we got out, walked around and stood in the freezing cold while the only other person at the course gave my father the history of the course. That was the last time my father came to Utah in January too, he now only visits during the warmer months, to insure the course will be clear of snow. Sorry we didn't stay in San Antonio longer Dad!
Friday, February 8, 2008
Preparing for V-Day

Soph's school has a Valentine's Tea, it is a huge tradition, and as PTA Co-President this year, I was able to be a part of the decision to eliminate the "dating etiquette" that usually goes along with the tea. Last year Sophie said she did not want a boy walking her to the event and we were right there with her. I was nervous that this decision would be met with some resistance, but it seems the staff actually applauded when the principal made the announcement. It seems enforcing this behavior at the elementary school level is not the teachers' cup of tea (couldn't resist).
So, Sophie will collect her valentines, eat cookies, drink a pink beverage and walk her own self down to the event.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Sick Days
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
When we came back to Utah I was hoping it was temporary. I was good at living in places temporarily and I was still battling with how I let myself come back to a state that I was angry with (if one can be angry with a whole state!).
After living here two weeks I walked into my training for a new job and I spotted Lisa, with her Starbucks cup. Yes! I knew nothing else about her, but that she went to Starbucks, instant grounds (no pun intended) for friendship.
As the months went on Lisa and I spent time at work together, walked around Logan during the afternoons and started developing plans to bring a children's museum to Cache Valley. I remember driving one quiet Sunday and thinking how lucky I was to have found another wonderful, female friend. Living in Logan again was going to be ok.
Then Lisa's silly husband got a new job, in Kansas! I kept holding out hope that he would hate it and they would move back...I'm very good at not facing reality until I have to, and even then I can find ways around dealing with it.
What bothered me about Lisa's move was that I'd been in temporary mode for years, knowing I would be saying good-bye to people and moving on. When my best friend, Paula, moved from Ann Arbor I was so upset, but I knew we'd be moving on to our own adventures soon after. What bothered me a lot about Lisa's move was I finally accepted that we might be in one place for a long time and I'd made a best friend, and SHE was moving on and I wouldn't be moving somewhere too. It didn't seem fair.
Then I did my "cup half-full" bit and realized how well timed our move to Logan was! We got here just in time for me to meet this fabulous person, without whom my first year back would've been much less enjoyable. I also felt I had garnered some strength from that friendship to foresee a future in Logan...even without Lisa.
I still think life in Logan would be so much more fun if Lisa were still here, but she's not. She moved and there is nothing that makes me believe I will be shortly following. I have, however, been able to form new friendships and that is a really good thing. What would be the best would be to go to Starbucks and talk with Lisa about my new friends!! Maybe when I go visit her in Kansas City...
Super Tuesday Results

If my daughter were allowed to vote she would pick Barack, because she thinks he's cute.
I took some of our students at school to the voting booths yesterday and it was fun to see their excitement over the process. I hope they maintain that enthusiasm. Oh, and a few months ago one of my 3rd graders said she would vote for me if I ever ran for president...only 3 1/2 months and I'll meet the minimum age requirement!
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Happy Belated Groundhogs Day!
Monday, February 4, 2008
Darn hyphenated name!
Snowy Day