Kelly suggested this deed, inspired by http://operationbeautiful.com/send-in-your-notes/, so Steve, Sophie and I headed up to Utah State University and left these notes in the women's bathrooms in the art department. Steve stood guard outside while Soph and I posted the notes and took pics (you really do not want people seeing you leave a bathroom with a camera...).
What I love about this is the simplicity, minor cost and that I could bring Sophie with me to do something that might just cause one person to smile at themselves in the mirror. I also love that 18 years ago I frequented the very bathroom I visited. I was a college freshman, very unsure of myself and very down on my appearance most of the time. I spent many hours comparing myself to other female students, usually wishing I were thinner, but sometimes wishing for longer hair, darker skin, freckles, whatever. I wasn't comfortable in my own skin.
Kelly, thank you for this suggestion. I still have a stack of post-it notes that I'm just going to carry around to leave a note whenever and wherever and maybe on my own bathroom mirror!
You go GIRLS! I was so jealous of a girl in my high school class and was afraid to run into her when I went back to see my family. Well, I did run into her last year and she was larger than me ---and so warm and welcoming! It all seemed silly and we had a great time. What a waste of time being jealous of anyone else. We are exactly who we should be, unique and wonderfully made.
I have loved reading about your anonymous acts of kindness. I love them all, but this one might be my favorite. Soooooo awesome. Heather, have you read the book called "Everyone is Beautiful?" It is great, and I will let you borrow it if you need a quick read.
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