Abe Said it Best

"When I do good, I feel good; when I do bad, I feel bad. That’s my religion."

Monday, March 1, 2010

Day 13

I feel like today's deed is kind of lame, but it was at no cost to me and was totally anonymous (though I blog about it) and hopefully it helped someone in some way.

I walked into the reading coach's room at school to sign my time sheet and noticed some scraps of paper on the floor, by the garbage can (kind of like how my hubby puts his clothes by the hamper). I picked them up and threw them out. There. That's it. Now, if I'd been really good, I would've recycled the scraps of paper, but that would've meant walking all the way down to a recycling bin and perhaps giving away my anonymity (ok, no to the second part, I was just lazy).

The person who cleans that room will never know they were saved the laborious task of bending over and picking up scraps of paper, or sucking them up with a vacuum, but maybe, just maybe, I spared them some bit of annoyance, just a tiny bit. I wonder how many things we do all day long that would be more difficult if someone else hadn't made it easier in a way that we never even know.

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