Abe Said it Best

"When I do good, I feel good; when I do bad, I feel bad. That’s my religion."

Friday, January 22, 2010


Ok, I know I'm totally going to jinx it and gain 10 pounds by writing about it, but I've lost 8.5 pounds since the start of the year. Most of this has to be due to the working out I've done and I am now highly addicted to the Wii Fit. I've also cut back on the eating, but I still have sweets everyday...I cannot and will not give them up. I never want to be the person that lists my daily intake as fish, veggies, and water. Those are great things, I eat them, but there are some M&Ms in there too, and cookies and the dark chocolate Doves...


Linda said...

I've been on.. no soda, no sugar, no eating out (kinda cheated on that one) for 1 month and I've lost 2 lbs. Doug (my husband) 12 lbs. To be honest though, he exercises. I'm going to try the wii fit. I set up mine and then never got on it again. Now I'm afraid it is going to mock me or yell at me if I get back on it.

Kelly Rhea said...

A year and a half ago, I weighed 126 without trying too hard. Since then, I've gained almost 50 pounds. It started when my sister was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and I kept thinking, "I was need to control my stress." Now I think I have had some weird "survivors guilt". When I was meditating, I remembered feeling so bad for her bloated body from the chemo and didn't want to exercise in front of her and wore baggier clothes. This past week I finally made the connection! The subconscious is such an influence on our actions. I have so much compassion now for people struggling with weight and realize it is complex. Whole foods and exercise is what I'm focusing on, and oh yeah, taking care of myself and getting healthy is more than OK.