It took 3 separate vet appointments to get all of our animals their check-ups, but we're done, whew! Lucy was first, she did great, except the persistent barking in the waiting room. Jada was next and since she was confined to a kennel, it was quite easy on my part, though not so much for the techs who had to hold her while the shots were administered.
We saved the best (ha) for last - the boys. Winston was his usually happy, go-lucky self, wagging his tail, licking everyone and not making a peep. Percy was his usual nervous self, whining and trying to hide. They were both weighed, checked out and then for the finale, the shots. Percy was first and when he was put on the table and started to really squirm and cry, that's when Winston's nervous behavior kicked in. It struck me as very endearing that Winston did not worry so much about what was done to him, as much as he was worried about his brother. He was trying to get to Percy and was whining, something we do not normally hear from him. He is truly a protector of his brother.
It was a good life lesson for me, seeing Winston's concern for his brother, realizing that the pain of others' is all of our concern and whatever we can do to ease it helps not just the recipient, but the giver as well. Maybe that is why Winston is so happy, because he is needed. In my reading of self-help books last week, I came across a story that relayed the same message. I also know that when faced with my own turmoil, my best remedy for happiness is to focus on another person's turmoil. As I feel sad about our upcoming move, that is what I should be doing. Thanks Winston, for reminding me what relationships and life are all about!
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