The first photo is one I took this morning, the moon was amazing, though it might appear more amazing without the wires in the way. The second photo is of a park we like to walk to behind our neighborhood, across the river. Look at that view!
We had a funny morning, Sophie and me. We were cutting it close and of course after I kept nagging Sophie to get ready, I realized I couldn't find my car key. After a frantic few minutes searching, I finally declared that we would have to walk to school. We are fortunate to live only a mile away (with gas prices the way they are, we should be walking everyday...but that just doesn't happen yet) and it is a pleasant walk. Once I realized we were going to be really late, I decided we might as well enjoy the walk. Soph and I chatted, told stories and got over our Monday grumpies. Sophie also had the chance to practice her reading skills, because someone had posted on their fence a lovely, handwritten note that read, "Clean up your dog sh&*!" Oh, and yes, Sophie read every word out loud.
This led to a discussion of bad words and why someone would write that word instead of a more appropriate word. We've had the bad word discussion before and Steve and I try to follow Spalding Grey's parenting advice: there are no bad words, just bad times to use them. I'm sure many people would disagree, but really, sometimes nothing else will suffice but a good, loud...well, you can fill in the blank. Also, a word itself isn't bad, it's how it's used. I've often used "bad words" as a humorous declaration, as I would, "Wow, that's great!" I know not to use such a declaration in the company of certain people, and certainly not at work, but I think that replacing some words with "more appropriate" words actually draws attention to how ridiculous the speaker is.
I also think it is good to be creative with language. My mother-in-law says, "Holy buckets!" which I find myself often saying and Mrs. Bauman, my first grade teacher, used to declare, "Heavens to Betsy," which might sound silly nowadays, but sometimes that's just the sentiment one needs.
This does not mean I want Sophie walking around using "foul" language, in fact, I have criticized those who are not smart enough to find other, more intelligent words. I just try to be realistic. Sophie will say "bad" words...heck, she said one today, though she was just reading it and I don't want her to feel guilty for something that is perfectly normal. I also just want her to close the door to her bedroom when those words are aimed at me!
I want to end this post by noting that I did not use any "bad" words when I could not find my car keys...or if I did, I muttered them, out of earshot of my child...and look what good that did!
I love that I have picked up on different slang or "bad" words from places like the Disney channel. "Oh, pickles," I might say, for example. Wow, pretty rough.
Bennett has learned some fun new words at school this year! So it goes, I guess. All I can say about your Monday morning experience is, good reading, Soph! Also, I am proud of you for walking and not being angry. Did you find your keys?
I still have not found my keys! Fortunately, Steve had one that I've been using.
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