Today I was helping Sophie with her homework. For spelling, the students are given words each week that follow a pattern. This week the pattern was the long u sound with the silent e and short u that is vowel-consonant-vowel. After writing her words, Sophie is suppose to write what she learned from the sort. When I asked Sophie what she learned, she said, "Nothing." I pointed out the patterns and then suggested she write something about the silent e, long vowel, no e, short vowel. She looked at me and responded, "I didn't learn that. I already knew that." So, on her paper she wrote, "I didn't learn anything new." I love that she is so honest.
1 comment:
Heather, your blog looks awesome! I love that Sophie was so honest too. I'm sure her teacher will love it, and also learn from it! :) I think Bennett would like to write that on a lot of his homework right now. It really is boring, but I'm sure it will get better!
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