Abe Said it Best

"When I do good, I feel good; when I do bad, I feel bad. That’s my religion."

Friday, April 16, 2010

Must've Been the Brownie

I have no qualms about writing posts that deal with sensitive subjects, like religion, but I've been hesitant to post anything about my weight loss. In January I posted about my weight loss of 8.5 pounds and was totally worried I was going to jinx it. I've now lost 24.5 pounds and if I jinx it, oh well.

I started seriously trying to change my eating and exercise habits January 1. I decided that when I am home, I have to sit down at the table when I want to eat. I don't restrict myself on what I eat, just how I eat. I also exercise quite a bit. I do a lot of walking - with bursts of running - the Wii Fit and the stairs.

The funny thing is, when I really watch what I eat I often don't lose any weight or I even gain a couple pounds. Then, when I have a day like yesterday, I end up losing a pound and a half! I wanted a brownie from Great Harvest, the kind with the white chocolate chips. Their brownies are gigantic anyway, but yesterday they were like brownies on steroids! I did sit down at the table and it took me two separate sittings, but I ate nearly the whole thing, minus some crumbs. Got on the scale this morning, prepared for an increase, and, well, I had to step on the scale twice, just to make sure.

Like a lot of women, unfortunately, I worry about my weight, my appearance and then I get mad at myself for worrying about those things. I know a person's value is not measurable by a scale! I also know that I was eating out of boredom, stress, depression and a lot of other reasons that have nothing to do with hunger. I still get panicked when I think about food, worried that I'm going to buy a cake at the bakery and eat the whole thing, but the thing that helps is knowing I can have a piece of cake, I just have to sit myself down when I eat it.

I hope this is a lifestyle change and that I continue to love my long walks with my dog, my fabulous fruit and yogurt blends and the feeling of being in control. We've got a big move coming up and oh, am I stressed...and oh, do I want to eat that stress right outta here, but I'm going to keep on trying to deal with it more healthily...until I don't...and then I'll try again.


Linda said...

wow! GOOD JOB!!!

Tannie Datwyler said...

Heather, that is AWESOME!!! :)

Unknown said...

That's amazing Heather! And you're right, you are not measurable on a scale... what a great attitude! We have to play Wii Fit together- I'm addicted!

Kelly Rhea said...

Mindfulness is not overrated. I have 5 months to get ready for the 5K and am just tired of feeling yucky. Life is good, but could be better if I make better choices. You're doing it the right way!