Abe Said it Best

"When I do good, I feel good; when I do bad, I feel bad. That’s my religion."

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hangin' with the gals in the neighborhood

Last week my neighbor and friend, Tera, called and invited me to the local LDS church's enrichment night. Enrichment seems to be a time for the women to get together and learn about something of interest. Last week was a focus on the culture of the people of the Marshall Islands, including food, dancing, crafts and information. We didn't have other plans, so I headed on over to the neighborhood church building with Tera.

The food was fantastic! I wish I knew the names of the different dishes, I don't, but I can say they were absolutely delicious. Coconut seems to be a big ingredient and as a huge fan of coconut, I was immensely pleased.

After eating and visiting with women who live in my neighborhood (in the LDS church they call neighborhoods wards, which determines what time you go to church. I think 3 different wards go to church in the building in our neighborhood and each ward has a number. It takes getting use to being called a ward versus a neighborhood when one moves to Utah!), there was a presentation about the culture. A woman, Chelsea, who served an LDS mission in the Marshall Islands, spoke and translated for those from the Marshall Islands. Chelsea spoke of serving her mission in the Marshall Islands and it was fascinating - from the voting structure, the food, the living arrangements to the weather! I was very impressed that she so obviously embraced the culture and the people.

One thing that struck me was when Chelsea was speaking about people who live in very small quarters with many family members and the happiness that exudes from these people. We all know that a big house does not equate to happiness, that things do not bring sustaining pleasure and yet, we (me included) keep trying to get more, buy a bigger house, actually surround ourselves with physical objects instead of the people we love.

I felt very welcome at enrichment night and I definitely took many great things away from the experience. So glad I went and so glad Tera invited me! Sometimes that's what it takes, someone from the "inside" inviting someone from the "outside" to break down these silly, self-constructed walls.

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