Abe Said it Best

"When I do good, I feel good; when I do bad, I feel bad. That’s my religion."

Monday, June 30, 2008


I'm unsuccessfully trying to upload the photo of Sophie with Jonathan Crombie, who played Gilbert Blythe in Anne of Green Gables and of whom I am a HUGE fan! We took Sophie to The Drowsy Chaperone, a hilarious musical starring Jonathan, in Salt Lake yesterday. Of course after the show I had to ask if it was possible to meet Jonathan and was told he might come out the back alley. Sophie was too scared to join me in the alley, so she and Steve huddled together while I basically accosted everyone, asking when Jonathan would be out.

I was not at all prepared for how insanely cute Jonathan Crombie would be in person and I just kept staring at his green eyes while mumbling unintelligble things. Oh, and here's the best part. My sister, Teresa, with whom I watched the Anne shows, and I always say, "I'm sorrrrry Anne," as Gilbert did in the 2nd Anne show and Jonathan actually said, "I'm sorrrry," to me (this is when I stupidly asked if he could wait while I went to the car to get the camera).

So, another episode of fandemonium, as Steve calls it, struck me. I love meeting celebrities and I really don't care how ridiculous I come across. Oh, I will not be able to "use" Sophie though, she's on to me. She did not appreciate how I kept telling people that I wanted to meet Jonathan because my 8-year old daughter is such a huge fan! It didn't work either..well, it did in that he was super sweet about meeting her, but when it came time to take the photo and I flung my arm around him, he said, "Uh, I should stand by her (Sophie)," and he got as far from me as he could.
I apologized to Sophie later and she so diplomatically said, "Well, maybe I will be a big fan someday!" Or maybe it's just more fodder for the therapist...how her mother used her to meet celebrities. Ah.

1 comment:

Brooke said...

What? What? What? YOU MET GILBERT!????!!!??!?!?!?!?!? I'm so jealous. I would have had serious fandemonium too. That is so cool, and I love that Sophie knows what you're up to! Ahhh, Jonathon.... I loved him so much.