The '89 Volvo Station Wagon was purchased during Steve's graduate school days in Ann Arbor (it was actually purchased from a professor in East Lansing) and it made the journey with us to Texas, but since living in Utah we've had it out of commission. I didn't want to spend the money to register and insure it, but now that gas prices are so high, why not? Ha ha. There really is never a rhyme nor reason to how we do things.
Here's what is funny to me about the old Volvo wagons. When we lived in Ann Arbor, they were all over the place. We moved to San Antonio and we may have been 1 out of 3 families who had one in the 8th largest city in the U.S. We took a trip to Austin, the only liberal place in all of Texas and it was like an old Volvo wagon reunion, which made us realize we should've moved to Austin, not San Antonio. In Logan there are a few of these beauties, but I'm not sure they are as appreciated here as in other, liberal towns. Too bad I didn't have time to get my Hillary Clinton sticker on it before she dropped out!
You crack me up! If i would have known where your family resides I would have brought the kiddos by for some of that yummy kool aide!
Ya too bad!!! Although I did see something stuck to the back of your other wagon that might need some elbow grease to get it off. Let me know if you need some help! :)
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