Abe Said it Best

"When I do good, I feel good; when I do bad, I feel bad. That’s my religion."

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween...Utah Style

My friends in Michigan tell me that trunk-or-treating is taking off there and my neighbor said they do it in Colorado too, but I have to believe that Utah is able to have the most trunk-or-treating events because there are sometimes 4 Mormon churches per block. Trunk-or-treating consists of all the neighbors driving theirs cars to the nearest church parking lot, and passing out candy from their trunks.

The first year we were back in Logan, 2006, we resisted doing trunk-or-treating. We felt it was anti-Halloween, because it took away from the joys of trick-or-treating. We decided to give a try last year and found the best fit for us: trunk-or-treating AND trick-or-treating. We like trunk-or-treating because we can mingle with the neighbors and the kids all see each other. We like trick-or-treating because it's the way Halloween is suppose to be!

After trunk-or-treating, most people go back home, since they just saw the neighbors in the church parking lot. We take Sophie to another neighborhood, by the university, and let her do trick-or-treating, too. She had some friends with her yesterday and they had a blast! I'm not sure why that neighborhood doesn't do trunk-or-treating, but we're sure glad they don't!

Steve said people kept telling him they were glad to see him at trunk-or-treating. This makes us giggle, because everyone in our neighborhood knows we're not Mormon, but we're certainly not against having fun!


yankeetess said...

I think you have been in Utah too long!! Here in New England where folks embrace Halloween with abandon, only trick or treating exists. What exactly is TRUNK or treating?? I kind of can piece it together from the clues in your blog, but am I right? Why did it start? What does it look like? Please provide some description of what it is and why they do it. Thanks!!!

Unknown said...

I tried to explain it further in the blog. Oh, I didn't explain why. Um, not really sure why...I'll have to ask someone and get back to you! Did you get full-size candy bars in your neighborhood again? We didn't get any, not even from the people in the 14,000 square foot house next door!

Laura said...

We did the same thing when we were there. Trunk-or-treating is a way for people to allow their kids to get candy from people that they know as opposed to strangers. (I personally could care less who gives my kids candy as long as its free). We liked it cause you could get twice as much candy in half the time. We especially like it when the temperature was sub-freezing. But, we really liked to trick-or-treat out by the university as well. This year, since it's twice as warm here in TX as it was in UT, the kids spent more time running down the street and less time whining. We didn't even do the trunk-or-treat. It was awesome!

Unknown said...

Agh, my edits didn't stick! Trunk-or-treating is when everyone in the neighborhood drives to the nearest church and passes out candy from their trunk. Some neighborhoods do it before Halloween (yuck, in my opinion), but our neighborhood does it on Halloween.

Jason said...

I know what you mean about the trunk-or-treat business. I like the old-fashioned way too. But what can you do? We did both this year, and it was great. But I have to wonder why we felt like we had to add yet another thing to do for this holiday. Halloween is starting to get as busy as Christmas in some ways. Sheesh. But I love it. And I'm wondering like Teresa, how did it start? I'm curious! I'm also curious about what the Laubs did give out...

Brooke said...

OOps, that was actually me, Brooke leaving a comment. I guess I was signed in as Jason. Didn't mean to throw you off!