It happened. Again. I was having a really cool conversation with someone, talking about different cultures, experiencing life in a big city vs. a small town, our educational system and when I said I had to run, after 30 minutes, he did it. He asked if he could give me some literature from the LDS Church for me to read. I felt my heart sink. This is actually only the 2nd time this has happened since coming back to Logan, and I've prepared myself. I said to this person what I said to the other person...sure, I'll read your literature, if you'll read mine. To the last person I gave a book on Buddhism. Not sure what to give this one.
Here's the thing. At first I felt crushed, like we'd had this cool conversation and all he wanted to do was convert me. Then I tried to look at it from a different perspective. I love sharing things I'm excited about, including my beliefs. We were discussing different cultures and I did mention that I'm not Mormon, so I'm hoping this person just saw it as a way to share something cool with me. Part of me realizes he was trained, as a missionary, to convert those non-believers, which makes me sad, because I don't want that to be how people see me. I am a believer! I believe in helping out one another. I believe in questioning everything around us. I believe in learning from others who share very different views...I'm not always good at practicing this belief, but I do believe in it. I believe there may be a god, there may be a heaven, that the Buddhists, Hindus, Jews, Mormons, Sufis, Methodists, Catholics may be right, but no matter what, if there is a god, that god would not punish me for not declaring myself "something". A god who is able to do what we proclaim a god to do is not a god which bothers with labels.
I'll feel better about all of this if the person really does read what I give him and really uses it to question his own beliefs, as that is what he is asking me to do.